Senin, 16 September 2013


Sundanese culture has certain characteristics that distinguish it from other cultures. In general, society or Tatar Sunda in West Java, known as the gentle, religious, and very spiritual. This trend appears as the byword compassion penance, penance and reparation foster grindstones; love (compassion priority), each enhance or improve themselves (through education and sharing knowledge), and protect each other (mutually maintain safety). Besides Sundanese also has a number of other values ​​such as modesty, humility toward others, respect for the older, and love to the smaller ones. In the magical balance of Sundanese culture in a way to preserve traditional ceremonies while the social balance Sundanese people do gotong-royong to defend

Different Types of Traditional Art Original Art particular Sunda Sunda Buhun Almost Extinct Due To Many Left Alone Its society. Art as Cultural Property Become The Local, Sundanese Art Buhun Continues Losing His art Actors Due successor Less Gets Public Place And Respect, And The Modern Pop Art urgency Considered More Attractive.

Types of Sundanese traditional arts that are becoming obsolete:

- Angklung

- Degung

- Jaipongan

- Tari topeng

- Wayang Golek

- Reog

- Calung

- Gondang

- Kuda Renggong

- Pencak Silat

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